Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Three Intertwined Aspects of Human Beings
A client in her mid thirties came with chronic pain for more than twenty years since her childhood. Many therapies and practices either did not help or made things worse.  Jerigtu’s scan reveals, 80% of her chronic pain is due to energy deficiency and blockages.  This is why when treated physically or localized, the pain just kept on moving around.  And the pain would get worse when a treatment is using up some of her limited energy.  Also because of low energy level, she is being affected by spirits in her sleep, therefore wearing down her system even more.  
In the modern world, we have often forgotten two third of who we are, just focusing on the physical, and not knowing about our life force (energy) and soul.  A human being must be seen as a comprehensive whole comprised of these three intertwined aspects: our physical body, our energy and emotions, and our spirit and soul.  A practice must address all aspects.  For example when yoga is practiced as calisthenics, our life force is not being regenerated but used up, and the weak links in our body will eventually show, as injuries or permanent wear.  For example when massage therapists focus more on the physical, their own body will wear down and they may be taking on clients’ stagnant energy into their own bodies.  Also when practices only focuses on emotions, the mind or the soul, our physical body will suffer.  The more powerful the practice, the more it accelerates the decline of our physical health.  Therefore balance is necessary for our comprehensive wellness.

A case of Shamanic healing:
Jerigtu gets tested all the time. Clients would only offer a symptom, for example this morning, someone from Europe text us and says he has strong low back pain, and wants to come see Jerigtu. Jerigtu looks and text back, your problem is in the gut, not the low back. He texts back, yes I have had to take out big part of my intestines. Jerigtu says, yes, you must treat your lower stomach, otherwise the condition will begin to cause memory loss. Then he offered a Shamanic ritual that the client could practice for now, until he is able to travel to come and see Jerigtu.