Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Going Forward

I really like this inspirng message I read today from "The Universe":

The few who look forward, while always knocking on new doors, no matter how futile it may seem or how insignificant their progress, will carry the many who just keep waiting for things to get better.

And the few will "suddenly" become overnight legends within their families, 'hoods, and countries, while having the most fun, with the most friends, at the most after-parties.
Win/Win, baby -
The Universe


Anonymous said...

Has not being as involved in the organization brought about the desired effect in your practice?

Claire said...

Life is practice, and practice needs balance. Everyone's balance is individualized. I am in the process of achieving my balanced life.
And why do your have such question?

Anonymous said...

You felt a need to achieve balance or seek out the Tao (which is the same thing literally).
It is common for the teacher's technique to suffer in order to better teach their students. It is all Maya anyway (just killing time waiting for?). Are things going better for your practice since you left?

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