Thursday, September 6, 2007

Going Within for Spontaneous Change

Feb. 06
To use physics terms as a metaphor about qigong, our five senses are oriented toward the outside, in receiving and interpreting the external stimuli with internal information from our past experiences and knowledge. These five senses interprets information based on Newtonian physics—that the world is solid, is material in specific states. When we practice meditation, we turn our five senses inward. All external stimuli are gradually severed and our mind becomes quieter and calmer. Our sense become more refined and broader. So-called extra senses emerge. These finer sense have always been there but only dulled by external and mental static and noise. It is as if these extra broad spectrum of senses begin to see, feel, taste, smell and hear into deeper and broader levels of reality, material is not just matter anymore, but energy and information. Perspective broadens into the sub-atomic level, where reality is not a state but all possibilities co-exist. The deeper and longer one remains in this level of reality, the quantum physic level of reality, spontaneous change happens—changes that should not be possible in the Newtonian matter state. The deeper one’s awareness, the greater the change can happen.
With recent scientific discoveries, we know that our mind does not know the difference between a current image or a memory. External input being received by our five senses are being interpreted by past memories therefore different people can have entirely different account of the same event. The same event can make one happy while making another sad. Our experience and our emotions are just as strongly influenced by who we are within than what is happening to us. Therefore we are co-creators of our reality. The content and the context mutually affect and form each other.
The book “Power v Force” tells us that 90% of human beings still believe that their life is made solely by the external circumstances, and to go from this powerless state onto the self-empowered state beyond the two hundred line (see the Map of Consciousness) is one of the most difficult jump for people. Each step relate to the next by exponential.
We know that dense matter attract other dense matter. Fear, closed-ness is dense compared to love and openness. Allowing one fear to manifest attracts other fears exponentially, like a speeding downward spiral. Therefore between the closed state of powerlessness to the open state of self empowerment, many people fluctuate between the two from day to day, from moment to moment. That’s why people would oscillate between practice and not practice even though they have experienced spontaneous change in their body, their mind and their experience of life.

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